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Why seeing a doctor after a wreck is a smart call

On Behalf of | Jan 19, 2025 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Car crashes have a tendency to occur at the worst moments possible. They happen when people are in a rush on their way to a client meeting or are already running late for work. The drivers involved have to rework their schedules and may wait quite some time for police officers to come take their report. They have to arrange to tow their vehicles in some cases and may need to secure alternate transportation to reach their intended destinations.

The idea of taking additional time to wait at a doctor’s office or urgent care facility can seem inconvenient and unnecessary. In scenarios involving low-speed collisions that cause only minor cosmetic damage to the vehicles, foregoing a medical evaluation may not be a particularly risky choice. However, most people involved in car crashes benefit from seeking medical care afterward even if they don’t have clear signs of injury.

Some injuries take time to develop

The main reason that people may need to see a doctor after a crash is to rule out or diagnose invisible injury. Internal injuries can be very difficult for people to identify after a car crash. For example, traumatic brain injuries often start with bleeding or inflammation inside the skull.

As the bleeding or swelling continues, pressure on the brain builds. Symptoms that didn’t exist immediately after the crash can suddenly arise, seemingly without any explanation. People who may have sustained internal injuries to their chest or abdomen may be bleeding internally and do not realize it yet. By the time they have symptoms of extreme blood loss, their lives could be at risk.

Medical professionals have access to testing systems that can quickly validate the presence of internal injuries. They can provide interventions that prevent those conditions from worsening. Additionally, their diagnostic records can help the injured person pursue compensation later.

Delayed symptom onset might mean that individuals go days or possibly more than a week after a crash before realizing that they have injuries. They may have already agreed to an insurance settlement. Worse, insurance providers might raise questions about whether the crash was actually the underlying cause of their injuries.

People who receive a medical evaluation as soon as possible after a crash have the best medical prognosis, as treatment can help them avoid scenarios in which their injuries worsen. They are also in a better position to recover their medical expenses and lost wages because they have medical records affirming that their injury was a result of the wreck.

Knowing what steps to take after a motor vehicle collision can help people better protect themselves and their loved ones. Rather than focusing on immediate convenience, the focus should be on long-term protection and optimal recovery.

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